Genealogical Hints
If you don't find the village you are looking for in the list of the villages
try the list of the 'Wohnplätze'
which includes also the smaller places.
The easiest way to locate records is to follow the links to the parish
or the civil records office from the list of the villages.
If you know the village of origin of your ancestor and you search records older
than 1874 visit:
Verzeichnis der evangelischen Kirchspiele
im Kreis Schlawe
and use search with your browser to learn to which parish this
village belonged. If you found out this name, you may search at the LDS
pages to find out whether records have been filmed.
Verzeichnis der von der LDS
verfilmten Unterlagen aus dem Kreis Schlawe
Orte : A-G
In case you found records and they are not filmed you need to send your
inquiry via snail mail to the archive which keeps the records.
In 1874 in Prussia and in Pomerania civil registration started. In lucky
cases you may find two kind of records: civil records
Verzeichnis der Standesamtbezirke
im Kreis Schlawe im Jahre 1937
use the search with your browser to find out where civil records have been
kept of your village.
With the name of this village you could check out whether LDS has filmed
Maybe also parish records exist, so don't forget to proceed the parish
search as showed above.
If your records have not been filmed, you should write a letter to the
If you are looking for records younger than 100 years and they still
exist, those records are kept in the local town offices.
I would suggest to sent such inquiries in Polish. Try to use the help
of the genealogy
net translation team.
Good luck!
You can try also to search my pages
with the name of the villages.